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Three Ways to Use Android NDK Cross Compiler

Today I was asked to help compile an Android executable from C source file on Mac OS X platform. Of course it is a cross compile task. Since I have Android NDK installed on my Mac, I thought it would be nice if I can make good use of that. I have used Android NDK to compile shared libraries for Android, so I would like to summary the possible ways to compile an Android executable using Android NDK.

Note: While writing this article, I found the official guide from Andriod was very nice and easy to read. Some of the examples are borrowed from there for the summary purpose.

1. Use the ndk-build and an Android.mk with BUILD_EXECUTABLE

The Android.mk and the Application.mk files are really tiny GNU makefile fragments that the build system parses once or more. The Android.mk file is useful for defining project-wide settings that Application.mk, the build system, and your environment variables leave undefined. It can also override project-wide settings for specific modules.

The Android.mk must resides in a subdirectory of your project’s $PROJECT/jni/ directory, and describes your sources and shared libraries to the build system. The Application.mk also usually resides under $PROJECT/jni/. We can also place it under a sub-directory of the top-level $NDK/apps/ directory.

Example of using ndk-build, an Android.mk and an Application.mk with BUILD_EXECUTABLE:

# Filename: Android.mk
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE    := foo

# Filename: Application.mk
APP_ABI: armeabi areabi-v7a

Then in the terminal, jut change directory to the $PROJECT/jni folder and invoke ndk-build:

$ ndk-build
[armeabi] Compile thumb  : foo <= foo.c
[armeabi] Executable     : foo
[armeabi] Install        : foo => libs/armeabi/foo
[armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb  : foo <= foo.c
[armeabi-v7a] Executable     : foo
[armeabi-v7a] Install        : foo => libs/armeabi-v7a/foo

We are all set and the compiled executable is installed under $PROJECT/libs/<APP_ABI> now.

2. Use Standalone Toolchain

You can use the toolchains provided with the Android NDK independently.


  1. Selecting Your Toolchain.

    Before anything else, you need to decide which processing architecture your standalone toolchain is going to target. Each architecture corresponds to a different toolchain name, as Table 1 shows.

    Table 1. APP_ABI settings for different instruction sets.

    Architecture Value
    ARM-based arm-linux-androideabi-<gcc-version>
    x86-based x86-<gcc-version>
    MIPS-based mipsel-linux-android-<gcc-version>
    ARM64-based aarch64-linux-android-<gcc-version>
    x86-64-based x86_64-<gcc-version>
    MIPS64-based mips64el-linux-android--<gcc-version>
  2. Selecting Your Sysroot

    The next thing you need to do is define your sysroot (A sysroot is a directory containing the system headers and libraries for your target). To define the sysroot, you must must know the Android API level you want to target for native support; available native APIs vary by Android API level.

    Native APIs for the respective Android API levels reside under $NDK/platforms/; each API-level directory, in turn, contains subdirectories for the various CPUs and architectures. The following example shows how to define a sysroot for a build targeting Android 5.0 (API level 21), for ARM architecture:

  3. Invoking the Compiler

    The simplest way to build is by invoking the appropriate compiler directly from the command line, using the --sysroot option to indicate the location of the system files for the platform you’re targeting. For example:

export CC="$<ANDROID_NDK>/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-<gcc-version>/prebuilt/ \
<your_machine_arch>/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-<gcc-version> --sysroot=$SYSROOT"
$CC -o foo.o -c foo.c


for Clang, you need to perform an additional two steps:

-gcc-toolchain $NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86_64

Ultimately, a command to compile using Clang might look like this:

export CC="$NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/ \
linux-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.8 --sysroot=$SYSROOT" -target \
armv7-none-linux-androideabi \
-gcc-toolchain $NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86_64"
$CC -o foo.o -c foo.c

3. Make a Ready-to-use Standalone Toolchain (advanced)

The NDK provides the make-standalone-toolchain.sh shell script to allow you to perform a customized toolchain installation from the command line.

The script is located in the $NDK/build/tools/ directory, where $NDK is the installation root for the NDK. An example of the use of this script appears below:

$NDK/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh \
--arch=arm --platform=android-21 --install-dir=/tmp/my-android-toolchain

This command creates a directory named /tmp/my-android-toolchain/, containing a copy of the android-21/arch-arm sysroot, and of the toolchain binaries for a 32-bit ARM architecture.

Note that the toolchain binaries do not depend on or contain host-specific paths, in other words, you can install them in any location, or even move them if you need to.

By default, the build system uses the 32-bit, ARM-based GCC 4.8 toolchain. You can specify a different value, however, by specifying --arch=<toolchain> as an option. Alternatively, you can use the --toolchain=<toolchain> option. See Tables on Toolchain for more details.

You can make these settings directly, as in the following example:

export PATH=/tmp/my-android-toolchain/bin:$PATH
export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc   # or export CC=clang
export CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++  # or export CXX=clang++

Note that if you omit the -install-dir option, the make-standalone-toolchain.sh shell script creates a tarball in tmp/ndk/<toolchain-name>.tar.bz2. This tarball makes it easy to archive, as well as to redistribute the binaries.

This standalone toolchain provides an additional benefit, as well, in that it contains a working copy of a C++ STL library, with working exceptions and RTTI support. For more options and details, use --help or go to NDK Guides -> Standalone Toolchain.

Creative Commons License
This work by Zengwen Yuan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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